Kind Thoughts. Kind Words. Kind Heart. Three short sentences that can make a big impact on our daily lives.
I did not mention it here yet, and I think only briefly over on Insta but I have some major news to share: I am leading a yoga class at the Fairborn YMCA twice a week! I teach a 50 minute yoga toning class. It is a vinyasa style flow with small body weight repetitions sprinkled throughout. I started at the beginning of September and I am having a blast! The room has soft lightning, I play some light beats and we have a ton of fun! Come see me Tuesdays and Thursdays at 9am!
Kind Thoughts, Kind Words, Kind Heart. I first heard this while doing a yoga dvd with my son. In August I read Yoga Body and Mind Handbook and Jasmine Tarkeshi offers these three sentences for thought. I later saw them written on a board in Lululemon outside Ann Arbor. As I was preparing to teach my first yoga class these three sentences kept reappearing, speaking to me.
If you think about it, all three are related and a reflection of the previous. Our minds are always racing- sometimes those thoughts are positive and sometimes they are negative. Eventually those thoughts, especially those reoccurring, become spoken. The thoughts and the words we speak compose the feelings we have in our heart. If we set good intention with our thoughts, we may speak kinder to ourselves and to others and our hearts full of reward.
Before I end each class I say these small sentences to my student as part of my namaste. I want them to leave their yoga mat with positive energy and purpose. A little reminder that what we think does impact what we say and those combine impact how we feel. As you enter this week and the mind starts to race into shoulds and other overwhelming pressure- stop, take a few deep breaths and think Kind Thoughts. Kind Words. Kind Heart. Maybe repeat it a few times, let it sink in. Let it remind you to set intention to guide down the path you desire instead of chasing the chaos known as life.
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