Buckle up, Mamas. ONE week till Christmas. Cue the final bits of shopping, wrapping, baking, cleaning, cooking and all the other bits that go into making the holiday magic. It’s EASY to find ourselves stressed out over it all. This year let’s give ourselves permission to give ourselves a 10 minute stress reducer. That’s it. In only 10 minutes we can reduce our stress. And I’m going to share three ways you can do it with Beachbody on Demand!

Over the next week when things feel really intense, you can’t fall asleep or you’re feeling you can’t get a head of your to do list; try practicing what we do with our toddlers- redirection. Instead of scrolling through your feed or walking into the pantry the next time our emotions seem to be in control- click the BOD app instead!
Yep, that’s right. You have a 10 minute stress reducer right in the palm of your hand!
Now hear me out, you don’t have to change into workout clothes, go get equipment, or go to your gym space. We are going to choose to meditate, yoga or dance to release some emotions. And only for 10 minutes. You can do this!

Why meditation, yoga or dance? Why didn’t I suggest a HIIT or ab workout? Of course, you can do those too- all movement releases endorphins! As we know endorphins make us happy and thus reduces stress. If you’re into dance parties, then you know dancing is fun! It’s an easy way to forget about everything and let your body connect to the music.
Connection. That’s what happens during mediation and yoga too. We only focus on breath and stillness in mediation. We focus on breath and movement in yoga. When we reconnect the body to breathing, we naturally relax our body. We can reduce stress. We can calm anxiety. We can refocus and be ready to tackle our next task with a lighter mindset.
I know watching funny Tik Tok videos or scrolling through stories is fun but it’s not reducing our stress. It’s not really filling our cup or bringing happy signals to our brain.
Make a promise that you’ll take a 10 minute stress reducer this weekend. Take note of your feelings before and after. Then let me know, I have a feeling you’re going to feel refreshed. And I hope it becomes a healthy habit you practice.
You can find mindset motivation like this and more within my wellness community, #sisFitLife Club. Lear more about Beachbody on Demand and how we are Sleighing the end of 2020 here!