healthy is trendy!

Here we are halfway into January; fourteen days into the goals/promises/intentions/resolutions we decided for the new year. No matter where you are right now in that process- remember to stay determined. Change takes time, patience and grace.

Maybe it is due to all the birthday fun but when I thought of the mantra I wanted to share this week I kept coming back to my daughter. She turned two last week which is so hard to believe! As all babies do, she has really grown this past year transitioning from baby to toddler.

One year ago she could not walk, could only say a few words, still on a bottle.. and this past weekend at her party she entertained us all by dancing, singing a mashup of all her favorite theme songs and promptly asking for a fork after we sang happy birthday. (to dig into her cake)

She usually is always with older kids and determined to keep up with them. I could not believe when my daughter twirled followed by an attempt to arabesque after an afternoon playing with my friends daughter who takes ballet. Or her many attempts to jump off the bottom stair like her big brother. I want to say my little lady has no fear (and that might be true) but what she really has is a lot of determination. When she falls, she gets up with a smile and tries again. I never want her to lose being that intent on her goals.

Stay Determined

So here we are, the beginning of second full week of 2019. Whatever has happened over the last two weeks- stay determined towards the change you want for this year. Yesterday is in the past and only defines you if you let it. Today is a new day, this week is a new week. You have the same goals as last week, as of December 31st. Rise and stay determined. Stay focused with intent.

For me, that means to not give up on my content even if I am about a week behind the schedule I gave myself. It means that even if I took the weekend off, tonight I’m back with the Core Challenge. My goals have not changed even if the progress feels slow. Stay determined and move forward.

Leave a comment on what you are working to achieve this new year and that you are going to stay determined towards your vision!
